Sunday, February 1, 2009

To Ryan!

This entry is for my little brother! It’s his birthday… Happy birthday Bro!

Today is my little brothers birthday… well he isn’t little any more… he is now 24… I think… or is it 23?... any ways… the point is that he isn’t little any more… he is also going to be a daddy soon as well… which will be interesting to say the least… since he is a kid himself at most times… (well so am I) … he lives in Alberta, Ontario… and I am so proud of him for making that move… I think it was the best thing he has ever done… that move to be there has made him grow up…some… that move also gave him a huge chance to pay off his debt… and to find a great girl… and to be able to be a daddy… I hope being a daddy makes him realized what I and my sister has always said … “don’t do that! that is dangerous!... one day you will see the danger when you have your own kids!” this is usually me or Cori telling him this while he is playing on the stairs with one of our kids… he never really seen the dangers of it… I hope he does with his… or his kid will have a lot of bruises… and Ryan… you can’t put them back where they come from if you get angry with it… you get what you get… lol…

Ok on to some funny things…

I remember when we were little, my mom had told Ryan to go and take a bath… he was too dirty to be at the supper table for supper… so when supper was ready, my mom called out to him… he was still in the tub… he ran out butt naked and sat at the table waiting for his supper… I guess he was really hungry at that time… my mom busted out laughing… and couldn’t resist taking the picture… like all mothers do…

There were times where my brother would get me in trouble along with him self when we were kids… we use to hit our legs and say ow! Really load with each others name attached to the “hit” so we were getting each other in shit…

I believe my brother is like a cat… he has 9 lives… he has been threw a lot … where she should have died…

1- when I was pissed at boys when I was a kid… I guess I latched on to Ryan’s throat and almost killed him… his face was purple and blue… he was lucky that the baby sitter caught me in time… or that would have been the end of Ryan at the age of 3 or 2…

2- Ryan was playing with dog that attached to our backyard with the other house… there was no fence… the dog named “Bear” was eating and Ryan thought it would be great to pull on the dogs tail while it was eating… the dog turned on Ryan and was going right for Ryan’s throat… Ryan turned with in sec. and the dog bit Ryan in the eye and half of his head… I think he was 4 at this time… he of course survived that attach as well… he is lucky he can even see… the only proof that he has of that attach is a little brown spot in the corner of his eye… where the dogs saliva had gotten in… I guess the Dr.’s said Dogs saliva at times stains human’s skin if it gets under a wound…

3- Ryan was playing with some of the kids down the road… well these kids were not nice to say the least… they were really morbid… when Ryan’s back was turned this kid threw a dart at Ryan’s back… hit him in the back… he is lucky it didn’t puncture any real thing and or even in his head for that matter!

4- These same kids I was talking about tried to kidnap Ryan… my mom wanted to know where Ryan was… we didn’t really know… so we went to ask the other kids… they said they didn’t know who Ryan was and has never seen him… we knew that was so INCORECT! My sister had heard something… we were outside yelling at the kids to their window… I don’t know how Cori even herd anything… we are just glad that she did… because the kids had him tied up in their closet… What were they going to do? I mean these kids were really… really morbid kids… they still have that feeling every time I see one on the street… I think Ryan was 5 or 6 by this time…

5- Ryan thought it was a great idea one day at school to go skipping… well you see the school he was in was Valley Hights… it’s in the middle of no where! You need a car to even thinking of skipping from this school… and travel at least a half hour to get anywhere’s… him and a bunch of other people skipped and took a van… I guess the girl that was driving didn’t know about a certain hill that was like a straight drop… it even says before you approach the hill… “Enter at own risk” if that isn’t a sign I don’t know what is! She was going WAY too fast and they went air born for a little while… they had hit a hydro pole… Ryan ended up being ok… however one of the girls in the car had a broken ankle… the car was a right off… I guess what Ryan said was as soon as he got out of the car he kissed the ground…

6- Ryan was playing with his new 4 wheeler… I guess he was going on a ramp and had hit the gas too late or too early… either or… he had landed on his back and he had broken his back… he was rushed to the hospital and was on huge amount of morphine… he is lucky he didn’t get to be in a wheel chair all of his life… getting someone to feed him with a fucking tube! Let alone dead! He had lost a lot of fat and even his “baby fat” from that… he couldn’t eat for a while and the only real thing he took in was a huge glass of Coke and then the rest of the day water… he didn’t shave for a while either … he looked like a brother to Jesus… he even had a cane for a while there… he stole a pair of hospital pants… which he still where’s here and there…

Well Ryan… you have 3 more lives still… what I am saying is “don’t shop all in one store!”

I love you and don’t drink too much where you get alcohol poisoning or I am going to have to dock you 1 life…

Have a good Birthday Bro! kisses and hugs… Love your Sister Sarah…

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