Monday, January 26, 2009

Here is an update on my signs and symptoms…. I have some new ones…

1.Cough has gotten worse/ shortness of breath… bouts of trying to ketch my breath.
2.The rattle/wheezing has gotten worse
3.There is a constant pressure around the chest, like elastic that has tightened.
4.There is many times through out the day sharp pains in back and front of chest that also travels to my neck at times and along my back of the shoulders. On occasion at the lower back. There is also a persistent dull pain in my back.
5.I am weak most of the day, my arms don’t feel all up to par moving, along with my legs, they want to buckle a lot lately. I am shaky. Along with some confusion at times.
6.Lost a lot of my appetite, don’t feel very hungry.
7.Lost some muscle mass in bottom left lip… soft and pliable, can feel the difference with tong, and or biting it.
8.Muscles cramps up for no reasons. Also my muscles twitch a lot… legs, and buttocks.
9.Tired still when 2 – 3 pm comes along… (exhausted)
10.Puffy hands and face even when I am cold.- comes and goes.
11.My joints such as elbows and knees are hurting off and on for no reasons. My hip and tail bone is in extreme pain. Feel’s like an extreme case of growing pains in my legs and arms.
12.I am forgetting simple words… example: I wanted to word boot, but I said pants, shirt, scarf… I said to Donavan, “what the hell is that word for going on your foot?” “Boot?”
13.Saturday (Jan 17) I weighed 181 LBS--- Wednesday (Jan 21) I way 171 LBS.
14.In my lower legs and arms I feel like I have growing pains, off and on.
15.Heart pumps sometimes fast… while resting as well.
16.Little black outs… need to hold on to something before I fall.
17.A lot of headaches.
18.Mucus- white, cloudy ball like, has dark spots in them.
19.Smoking still- but less (half a pack)… getting better at quitting… obviously not good enough.
20.puffer doesn’t help any… also makes me sick… stopped taking it.
21.While walking, legs jerky. Need to focus more on walking right. Started Jan. 23 2009

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