Sunday, January 18, 2009

A shift:

Lately I have been getting into the meaning of life.

I have found myself questioning everything that comes my way.

Every time I question it, I come to enlightenment.

Another thing that has becoming a little “spooky” is patterns and or signs.
For an example, I was hearing on the radio about a football team the Stealers. I didn’t really care for it so I changed the station. A few min. later I had totally forgot of the station and what they were talking about, until a Truck darted in front of me and made me slammed on my breaks… on the back of his window was a big sticker saying Stealers, with their logo… it was the football team. Another one was when I was studying my text book yesterday and my father in law was talking to Donavan… the only thing I heard was “Shoulder blade” … at that time I was looking at the word “shoulder blade.”

There are other little ones, but I know you get the gist of it.

Once I have figured out that everyone has their own way of living, it has become easier to accept each person faults, and view points on anything.

I have found that if something angers me or gets my blood boiling, it’s because it’s a strong “meaning” or value or moral that I have acquired; that they have stepped over.
My choices are to get angry… or take it as it is and leave it alone… or step up and say something in a polite tone, so I am not bracketed. Everyone has a choice on how to react to a situation, a moment, a quote… etc.

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